Gilded Age - Mark Twain used this phrase to describe the United States during the 1870's and 1880's. He called it Gilded rather than Golden because it was only shiny on the surface. Beneath the surface was a seamy side to the age, full of graft and corruption. Civil War eroded commitment to the common good - do what you can get away with Corporations were impersonal didn't usually know victims

Chapter 6

Urban American Society

(1865 - 1900)

I. The Rise of American Cities

A. The Geography of Urban Growth

B. How Cities Grew

C. Providing City Services

D. Patterns of Urban Growth

E. Peopling the Cities

II. The New Americans

A. The New Immigration - All came in search of economic opportunity

B. The Immigrant Experience

C. Help From the Bosses

D. The Nativist Reaction

E. Building Modern America

III. City Life and Leisure - OMIT

A. Chain and Department Stores

B. Advertising: Inventing Demand

C. The Popular Press

D. Education for the Masses

E. Women in the Work Force

F. Leisure Time

G. New Trends in the Arts

 Chapter 7

Society and Politics in the Gilded Age

(1865 - 1893)

I. The New Rich

A. A Philosophy of Wealth - Justification for "Big Business"

Adam Smith - economic law of supply and demand (Classical Economics)


Social Darwinism - defenders of Big Business

B. Advocates of Social Darwinism

C. The Gospel of Wealth - 1889

D. Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

E. The Dangers of Wealth - not all believed in Social Darwinism

II. The Urban Poor

A. The Tenements

B. Making Ends Meet

C. Private Aid to the Poor

D. The Social Gospel

Urban Reform

III. Corruption in Party Politics

A. Corruption in the Cities

B. Trouble in Washington

C. The Salary Grab Act

D. Money Talks

IV. Hands-Off Government

A. An Era of Standpatters

B. Efforts at Reform: Civil Service

C. New Needs, Old Politics

Politics in the Industrial Age - How would our political institutions be affected by rapid industrialization?

Decline of the Presidency

Congress - passed no really significant laws!

Parties - "Equilibrium"


#5 - 1997


#1 - 1989

#2 - 1990

#3 - 1979

#4 - 1988

#5 - 1981

#6 - 1982

#7 - 1987

The Scotch-Irish on the eighteenth-century Appalachian frontier
The Irish in the nineteenth-century urban Northeast
The Chinese in the nineteenth century West

#8 - 1982

#9 - 1994

Andrew Carnegie
Eugene V. Debs
Horatio Alger
Booker T. Washington
Ida M. Tarbell

#10 - 1986

#11 - 1985

A. 1870-1915
B. 1915-1935

C. 1935-1950

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