Chapter 8

Rising Protests

(1865 - 1900)

I. Organizing Labor

A. Growth of Unions

New Work Place

B. The National Labor Union

C. The Knights of Labor

D. The Haymarket Riot - 1886

E. The American Federation of Labor

II. Striking Against Big Business

A. Opposition to Unions

B. The Railroad Strike of 1877 - 7/77

C. The Homestead Strike - 1892

D. The Pullman Strike - 1894

III. Organizing Farmers

A. Problems Facing the Farmers

B. The Grange (Patrons of Husbandry) - 1867 - Oliver H. Kelley

C. Farmers' Alliances

D. The Populist Platform - 1892 - 1896

E. The Money Issue

F. The Election of 1892

IV. The Rise and Fall of Populism

A. Cleveland and the Gold Drain

B. Struggles in the Courts

C. The Conventions of 1896

D. The Campaign of 1896

E. McKinley Triumphs


#1 - 1983

#2 - 1989

#3 - 1995

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