Eisenhower and the Cold War
I. 1952 Election (TV played major role)
A. Dem. - Adlai Stevenson and John Sparkman
- 1. "Egghead"
- 2. Supported containment
- 3. Fair Deal reforms, civil rights
B. Rep. - Split in party
- Robert Taft - Conservative
- Eisenhower - Liberal
C. Rep. - Ike and Richard Nixon
- 1. Less gov't control; bal. budget; less gov't spending
- 2. K C (Korea, Communism, Corruption)
- 3. Tougher on communism
- 4. Cold War was leading to bankruptcy
- 5. Ike's personality
II. Ike's Background
- A. Born 1890 - Denison, TX., grew up in Kansas
- B. West Point grad - Military Career
- C. Little political experience
- D. Used to "Staff System" from military
- E. Could restore confidence
- F. Projected an image that he was "above politics"
III. Foreign Policy - Ike's severe test
A. Sec. of State John Foster Dulles formulated policy
- -Bi-polar view (good vs. evil)
- -George Kennan was replaced by Charles Bohlen in Moscow
- -Dulles died in 1959
B. Policy
- 1. Containment was too "passive" and too costly
- 2. Subjugated people should be "liberated" and Iron Curtain
"Rolled Back"
- 3. The new look - "Maximum efficiency, minimum cost" or "more
bang for a buck"
- a. Train local forces to liberate themselves
- b. US should not get in little wars
- c. "Massive retaliation"
- d. CIA to train local forces to get rid of undemocratic
- 4. Form collective security pacts (regional)
- -Rearm Europe, unleash Chiang, form pacts to intimidate
IV. Asia and Eisenhower
A. Korea
- 1. Ike went to Korea
- 2. "Bomb rattling"
- 3. Chose to follow Truman's policy of signing a truce -
- 4. CIA even planned to get rid of Rhee - US promised to return
if N. Korea attacked again
- 5. "Peace w/o Honor"
B. Southeast Asia (Indochina)
- 1. France was losing
- 2. Ike talked of "falling dominoes" (domino theory)
- 3. 1954 - SEATO set up by Dulles
C. China
- 1. 1954 - Defense pact signed w/Chiang on Formosa
- 2. He began guerrilla raids on Chinese mainland
- 3. Late 1954 - Red China began shelling Tachens, Quemoy and
- 4. No "Asian Munichs" - no war
- a. Formosa Resolution
- 1) Pres could use force if necessary
- 2) "Blank Check"
- b. Ike sent 7th Fleet to Formosa Strait
- 5. 1958 - More trouble
- a. Red China again attacked offshore islands
- b. Sent 7th Fleet again
- c. Reversal of US policy toward Chiang
- 6. Dulles began to call this policy "Brinksmanship" - Fine art
of forcing opponent to the "Brink" - then retreat
V. Europe
A. US wanted Europe to pay more for defense - European
- Defense Community
- -France refused to ratify a treaty
- -began building "3rd force"
- -1958 - Charles DeGaulle elected Pres. of Fifth Rep.
B. 1959 - Common Market established
C. Cold War incidents in Europe
- 1. East Germany
- -1953 Workers in E. Berlin revolted
- -Crushed by Soviet army
- 2. West Germany
- -1955 - W. Germany fully sovereign
- 3. Berlin
- -1958 Krushchev gave W. 6 mo. deadline to get out
- -Ike refused (JFK will deal with Germany)
- 4. E. Europe
- a. Feb. 1956 - Krushchev talked of "De-Stalinization" of
- b. "Different Roads" to socialism
- c. Poland
- -Oct. 1956 - Test of new soviet policy
- -Wladyslaw Gomulka led demand for autonomy - got it!
- d. Hungary
- -Under Imre Nagy, Hungary tried the same thing as Poland
- also wanted out of Warsaw Pact
- -He led a revolt
- -Freedom lasted 5 days
- -200,000 Soviet troops crushed "Freedom Fighters"
- (30,000 killed)
- -What happened to policy of "Liberation" and "Rollback"
- e. Ike's response - Hungary and Poland not in our "Defense
VI. Middle East
A. Background
- 1. Not much interest before WWII
- 2. Dilemma: Pacify Arabs (oil) and continue support to Israel
B. Israel
- 1. Since WWI, "Zionism" (Quest for Jewish homeland) spreading
- 2. WWII - Holocaust led to demand for homeland
- 3. UN agreed to partition Palestine (1947)
- 4. May 14, 1948 - Israel proclaimed indep. from GB
- 5. Arab neighbors tried to crush it
- a. Arab league committed to that cause - Egypt, Lebanon,
Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia
- b. Attacked, but Israel won
- c. 1 m Palestine refugees settle in camps
- 5. US support of Israel caused resentment in Arab world
- 6. 1949 - Dr. Ralph Bunche and UN worked out ceasefire
- a. Arab League refused to recognize Israel
- b. Israel turned to us for aid
- 7. 1950 - Tripartite Pact (US, GB, FR)
C. Several problems (Arab Nationalism)
- 1. Iran
- a. 1951 - Mohammed Mossadegh reduced power of Shah -
"Nationalized" oil
- b. 1953 - US cut aid - we thought they were moving toward
- c. CIA coup overthrew Mossadegh - Shah Reza Pahlavi
- d. Iran's oil would be produced and marketed by
international group - (40% to US)
- e. Iran became an American "protectorate"
- 2. Egypt
- a. 1952 - Rev. overthrew King Farouk
- b. Gamal Abdel Nasser - talked of uniting Arab world
- c. US offered assistance - not arms, but Soviets did and he
also recognized Red China
- d. 1954 - Meto set up - Nasser called it the "Bagdad Pact"!
- e. Aswan Dam - Part of Nasser's reform (needed aid to build
- 1) We offered $56 mil. grant to underwrite $200,000 from
world bank
- 2) Nasser tried to get more from USSR
- f. July 1956 - Nationalized Suez Canal
- g. Suez Crisis
- 1) Oct 29, 1956 - Israel attacked Egypt
- -Overran Sinai Peninsula
- -Backed by GB and FR
- -Routed Egyptian army, captured Soviet-supplied
- 2) Oct 30 - FR and GB also invaded
- 3) Nasser blocked canal
- 4) UN diffused crisis
- -US and USSR demanded ceasefire and oil embargo on FR
- and GB (first time oil used as political weapon)
- -Ike demanded GB and FR withdraw
- 5) Nov 6 - Ceasefire agreement - UN peacekeeping force
sent to oversee withdrawal
- 6) Repercussions-
- -Alienated European allies
- -Soviets helped Nasser build his dam - most of money
used to build Egyptian army!
- 3. US had to act to keep USSR influence out of ME
- 4. Eisenhower Doctrine - Jan. 1957
- -US would support any ME nation to repress comm. aggression
- -set aside $200 mil. for military and economic aid
- 5. Lebanon Crisis
- a. Egypt and Syria formed Arab Republic 1958
- -Overthrew gov't of Iraq
- -Forced out leader of Saudi Arabia
- -Riots in Jordan and Lebanon
- b. GB sent troops to Jordan - US sent $30 m and 5th Fleet
- c. In Lebanon - Camille Chamoun
- -First use of Eisenhower Doctrine
- -Ike sent 15,000 marines
- -We later learn we had actually been part of a civil war
- Lebanon
VII. Latin America
- A. Communism crept into W. Hemisphere
- B. 1948
- -Bogota Resolution - Communism not compatible with American
- concepts of freedom
- -OAS established
- C. Ike sent brother, Milton, on fact-finding tour of LA
- 1. Stepped up foreign aid
- 2. Inter-American Dev. Bank ($1b)
- 3. "Good Partner" Policy
- D. 1958 - Nixon sent on fact-finding tour
- 1.
- -Yankeephobia erupted-Uruguay, Peru, Venezuela
- -Nixon barely got out alive!
- -Blamed it all on "communism"
- E. 2 incidents
- 1. Guatemala
- a. 1954 - Jacobo Guzman - guns from USSR
- b. June CIA coup helps natives overthrow Guzman
- c. Easy and inexpensive - model for future intervention in LA
- 2. Cuba
- a. 1959 - Fidel Castro overthrew Fulgencio Batista
- (aid from communists)
- b. Castro began "communizing" Cuba
- 1) Dispensed w/free elections
- 2) Imprisoned enemies
- 3) Took over foreign interests
- c. By 1960
- 1) Signed $100 m trade deal with USSR
- 2) Ike placed embargo on sugar
- 3) Jan 1, 1961 - Castro kicked out of our embassy
- 4) Jan 3 - Ike severed diplomatic relations
- 5) CIA began planning Cuban invasion with Cubans to do it!
- d. Next President would deal with Castro
VIII. Efforts at Detente
A. Background
- 1. After Stalin's death, Krushchev talked of "Peaceful
- 3. Geneva Summit - July 18, 1955
- a. GB - Anthony Eden
- FR - Edgar Faure
- US - Ike
- USSR - Krushchev and Bulganin
- b. Ike opened by calling for mutual disarmament
- -give each blueprint
- -"open skies" verification
- c. Krushchev believed this would give US Air Force better
- targets!
- d. He wanted ban on atomic weapons and limit of armies 1.5 m
- each
- 4. No settlement of German reunification
- 5. "Spirit of Geneva"
- 6. Modest cultural exchange
B. By late 50's - New interest in peace
- 1. "Bal. of fear" - Churchill
- 2. Space race developing
- a. From Rocketry program of WWII
- b. Oct. 4, 1959 "Sputnik"
- 3. Nov. Sputnik II
- 4. Repercussions?
- a. "Missile Gap"
- b. National Defense Education Act
- c. NASA created
- d. Gaither Report - fallout shelter program
- e. Henry Kissinger and LBJ recommend spending to "catch up"
- 5. Jan 31, 1958 - US put up Explorer I
- 6. Dec - Monkey in space
- 7. ICBM race
- 8. Nuclear powered subs by 1958
- 9. Became aware of radioactive fallout
C. Ike invited Krushchev to Washington
- 1. Sept. 1959 - Krushchev came
- 2. Also talks at Camp David
- a. Postponed Berlin Ultimatum
- b. Agreed to summit in Paris the following year
- 3. Again talked of the "Spirit of Camp David"
D. U-2 Incident - "Operation Overflight"
- 1. Summit scheduled May 16, 1960
- 2. May 1 - Over Suerdiousk - US "Weather plane" shot down
- 3. We said it was simply off course
- 4. Pilot had been captured
- -Francis Gary Powers - CIA
- 5. Ike took full responsibility
E. Summit in Paris was never held
- Evaluation of Eisenhower's Foreign Policy
- Criteria:
- 1. Meeting out goals
- 2. Effectiveness/Effect
- 3. Cost
- 4. World Opinion
- 5. Other?
- The New Look Itself:
- 1. Rollback
- 2. Massive Retaliation
- 3. Brinkmanship
- 4. Pactomania
- 5. More Bang for a Buck
- Applying the New Look Around the World
- Asia: Korea, Indochina, Formosa
- Europe: Arm Europe, W. Germany, Hungary
- Middle East: Operation Ajax, Suez War, Eisenhower Doctrine
- Latin America: Good Partner, Guatemala Affair, Cuba
- Detente: Geneva, Open Skies, U-2 Incident
- How would you compare Truman and Eisenhower? Who did the
better job in foreign policy? Why? That will be our big six weeks
I. Election of 1952
A. Candidates
- 1. R - D.D. Eisenhower - P. "I like Ike"
- a. War hero
- b. Small town conservative from Tx., Kansas
- c. Packaged TV adds - less substance more image
- d. Military experience, but no political experience will lead
him to
- depend on his advisors far too much
- e. Honesty - do as little as possible
- 2. R - R.M. Nixon - VP.
- a. accused of having an illegal campaign slush fund
- b. Checkers speech - packaged ad
- 3. D - Adlai E. Stevenson - P.
- a. best qualified in terms of talent
- b. beat out Estes Kefauver
- 4. D - John Sparkman - VP.
B. Issues
- 1. Demos split liberal / conservative over the issues of civil
rights and the
- New Deal
- 2. They chose one northern and one southern candidate for the
- 3. Rep. charged Demos with political corruption and bungling
the Korean War
- 4. Also charged them with overspending
- 5. Communism at home also an issue
C. Results
- 1. Ike - 55% of vote
- 2. 442 - 89 electoral
- 3. control of both houses
II. New Look - largely rhetoric
A. "More bang for the buck"
- 1. Develop and train local forces (i.e. - ROK)
- 2. Deemphasize ground forces yet it was still larger than 1950
- 3. Rely more on air power and the bomb
- 4. Advanced technology - Military industrial complex
- 5. Cut defense spending - fear of national bankruptcy - actual
cuts only returned us to 1950 level
B. Massive Retaliation - Brinkmanship
- 1. Threat of massive retaliation with atomic bombs would deter
- stay out of small conflicts like Korea
- 2. Any dispute could lead to atomic annihilation (MAD) - basis
of our foreign policy
- a. US H-bomb - 1951
- b. USSR H-bomb - 1953
- 3. Brinksmanship - get to the verge of war without
getting into war - the absence of policy
- 4. Third World questioned our commitment
- a. We backed dictators and threatened to start a world war
- b. We opposed change - creating alliances which weakened
the UN
- c. We were unwilling to commit the money necessary to make
the Third World a better place to live
- d. Free enterprise allowed the wealthy to remain rich and
did nothing for the poor
- e. Many US leaders condemned our attempts to aid our own
- f. We constantly threatened to cut money even to our
strongest allies
- g. Money for a solid propaganda battle was not spent
- h. Population explosion created problems for which there
were few solutions
- i. Ike's option were few
C. Leadership
- 1. John Foster Dulles - Secretary of State
- 2. Rivalry expressed in moralistic terms
- 3. Communism itself was evil whether allied with Soviets or
- 4. Proposed roll-back of communism in Eastern Europe -
replace containment (too passive)
- 5. Threatened to unleash Chiang Kai-shek - Truman had
abandoned him
- 6. Police the world
- 7. Containment a treadmill - keep us in place till we drop
D. Lack of Leadership
- 1. Christian Herter replaces dying John Foster Dulles 10/58
- 2. People thought Ike's health slowed him
- a. heart attack - 1956
- b. stroke - 1957
- 3. Richard Nixon and LBJ waiting in the wings
III. Asia
A. Korea
- 1. 1952 - Ike elected President - sworn in 1/20/53 - promised
to go to
- Panmunjom
- 3/53 - Stalin died leaving the Soviets in turmoil
- Only issue left was POWs - Ike used Brinkmanship to gain end
of fighting
- 2. Armistice - Panmunjom - 7/27/53 - Truce no formal peace
- 3. War was unpopular at home
- 5.7 million went to Korea
- 100,000 wounded / 30,000 died -US 12,000 POW's returned
- 1.5 million communist casualties
- US still has 40,000 troops at the 38th parallel today
- Cost - $18-22 billion
- 4. Results
- a. US willing to fight to stop the spread of communism
- b. US willing to fight a limited war without total victory
B. Domino Theory - If one falls they all will fall
- avoid appeasement at all costs
- 1. Applied to French Indochina - Threatened to use the bomb
- 2. SEATO - 9/54
- a. Members - US, GB, FR, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan,
Thailand, Philippines
- b. Commitment - consult not defend each other
- c. Additions - Japan, S. Korea, Nationalist China
(Formosa), Fr. Indochina
- d. Line of Containment surrounding USSR and China
- e. "The sun never sets on an American Commitment" - Adlai
Stevenson (42 - 1956)
C. Quemoy and Matsu - 1954/1958
- 1. Chiang Kai-shek took the islands in the Formosa Straits and
in 1954 the
- Chinese bombed them when
- Chiang began a military buildup there after we signed a
defense pact
- agreeing to defend them - challenged our threat of massive
- 2. Formosa Resolution - 1/55 - blank check to the President -
agreed to
- bombings on alternate days
- 3. China leashed by USSR till breakdown in relations in 1958
- 4. They were within bombing distance of the mainland 8/58 the
- bombed these islands again
- 5. Were they worth war?
- 6. US threatened the use of the bomb - sent the 7th fleet
- 7. China backed down - Chiang was releashed
- 8. Brinksmanship worked?
IV. Europe
A. USSR - change of leadership
- 1. 3/5/53 - Stalin dies
- 2. Nikolai Bulganin - Nikita Khrushchev struggle
- 3. Khrushchev - 1956
- a. de-Stalinization
- b. Peaceful Coexistence
- c. Support Third World demands for independence through
revolution while the US sought stability
- 4. East Germany - 1953 - chance at rollback ignored - Soviet
tanks rolled in instead
B. West Germany created 1954
- 1. Became a member of NATO
- 2. Created its own army!
C. Geneva Conference 7/55 - called because of new H-bomb
- US threatened at home by new bombers
- 1. Big Four - US, USSR, Br, Fr
- 2. Spirit of Geneva
- a. Cold War enters a new phase - discussion
- b. Ike gains world reknown as a peacemaker
- 3. Unification of Germany (proposal)
- a. US wanted free elections/ withdrawal of foreign armies
- b. USSR agreed, but wanted Germany to be a Cold War neutral
- Austria
- c. Dulles rejected idea wanted Germany in NATO
- 4. Nuclear Disarmament
- a. Open Skies Proposal - aerial inspection
- b. Ike proposes an exchange of blueprints of bases and armies
- c. Bulganin proposed prohibiting the manufacture of atomic
- and limiting both armies to 1.5 million men, but would not
- inspection
D. Poland - 1956
- 1. Wladyslaw Gomulka elected to rule in Poland
- 2. Challenged USSR - given more independence
- 3. Imre Nagy - wanted to go further - executed
E. Hungary - 1956
- 1. Followed Polish example encouraged by Dulles rollback talk
- 2. Appeared victorious at first
- 3. Threatened to withdraw from Warsaw Pact
- 4. Oct. 23, 1956 - Soviets crushed the uprising - 200,000
- 5. 200,000+ fled as Hungary lost all rights
- 6. Little that the US could do
F. Missile Gap - Sputnik
- 1. Sputnik 10/4/57 - surprised US gave Soviets an
intercontinental ballistic missile threat
- 2. USSR saber rattled - Khrushchev hostile
- dirty bombs began to make people worry about radiation from
- 3. US - Explorer - 1/31/58
- 4. USSR - Laika - dog - no recovery system
- 5. 1958 - USSR suspended H-bomb tests US followed on a year by
year basis
- 6. National Defense Education Act - 1958
- a. LBJ
- b. $1 billion in scholarships in the areas of science,
math, foreign language
- c. NASA - 1958 - $4 billion
- 7. Ike preferred to wait - learned that the USSR was not as
advanced as first thought
- a. US developed early detection systems
- b. Nuclear subs guaranteed retaliation
G. Berlin Threat - 1958
- 1. Led to the recognition of East Germany
- 2. NATO troops must be withdrawn from W. Berlin - ignored
H. Nixon - Khrushchev Kitchen Debate - 7/59
- 1. Khrushchev toured the US - debates Nixon over the
advantages of capitalism/communism
- 2. Nixon uses the conveniences of a modern American kitchen on
TV to show our superiority
- 3. Wanted to go to Disneyland - security problem
- 4. Ike called for an 11 country summit in Paris for 1960
I. U-2 Incident 5/60
- 1. Gary Powers shot down over USSR days before Paris
- 2. US caught in a series of lies
- 3. US refused to stop flights - USSR canceled summit
- 4. Created uncertainty in US - USSR relations entering
J. Ike Farewell Address
- 1. warned of military industrial complex
- 2. rise of misplaced power would get US into war make US go
V. Middle East
A. Iran - 1953
- 1. overthrow of the pro-communist government (Mohammed
- 2. CIA supports the return of Shah Reza Pahlevi to the throne
- 3. US provides assistance for the modernization of the country
B. Gamal Abdel Nasser
- 1. Egyptian revolution - replaced King Farouk - 1954 -
military dominated Republic
- 2. Nasser used cold war rivalries to his own gain
- a. modernize Egypt
- b. gain leadership of the Arab world
C. Baghdad Pact/CENTO - 2/55
- 1. Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey - defensive agreement
- 2. Saudi Arabia gives US air bases
- 3. Nasser saw this as an attempt to undermine his leadership
- 4. US did not meet obligations
D. Suez Canal Crisis - 1956
- 1. 1954 - US offered aid to build Aswan Dam - bidding war
- 2. 9/55 - USSR traded arms (for use to attack Israel) for
cotton through Czechoslovakia
- 3. US backed out of dam project citing USSR aid to Egypt
- 4. 7/56 - Nasser nationalized (took over) the Suez
Canal to help pay for the dam without US aid
- 5. Compromise on payment failed as terrorist attacks stepped
up against Israel
- 6. Israel attacked Egypt and marched to the Suez Canal
- 7. Fr. and Eng. seized Suez Canal and marched toward Cairo
pretending desire for cease fire
- 8. Nasser sank ships in the Canal and closed it
- 9. This 3 way alliance forced the US to go against our own
- 10. USSR threatened to send in Russian volunteers to save
Egypt - distract from Hungarian situation
- 11. UN condemned the attack - US and USSR supported the vote
and called for a cease fire
- 12. 11/56 - France and GB withdrew - our alliance was hurt
- 13. Nasser paid GB $81 billion for the canal
- 14. 1959 - USSR gave aid to Egypt to finish dam - 1969
- 15. US chose to side with Israel
E. Eisenhower Doctrine - 1/57
- 1. Authority to go to the aid of any Middle Eastern country
that asked for aid
- against an aggressor supported by the communists - military
- $200 million in economic aid
- 2. Denounced by Nasser as an excuse for the US to meddle in
Middle Eastern affairs
- 3. Nasser/USSR alliance used subversion to gain allies
- a. Syria
- b. Saudi Arabia - faction - we still had air bases there
- c. Iraq
F. Lebanon - 1958
- 1. Egypt and Syria threatened to take over their weaker Arab
- 2. Camile Chamoun - Christian President requested aid from the
UN and then the US
- Pres. / Prime Minister alternated between Arabs and Christians
- 3. 1958 US intervened in Lebanon
- 4. US sent in the Marines (14,000) and the 7th fleet and
established peace and then withdrew
- 5. Br. protected Jordan at the same time (King Hussein - after
1957 assassination attempt)
VI. Loss of the Third World
A. Nixon Latin American Tour - 1958 - Good Neighbor Policy?
- 1. US economic trade policies hurt LA - we refused to
- 2. Cost of aid too high
- 3. Hatred and riots ignored
- 4. Nixon mobbed on tour had to cancel (visited Peru and
Venezuela only)
- 5. US realized mistake and made changes
B. Too late - Cuba - discuss in the next unit?No add here
C. Guatemala - 1951 - Jacobo Arbenz
- confiscated property of United Fruit Co.
- 6/54 - US tagged him as communist and CIA overthrew him
D. Former Colonies of France and Great Britain go against us
- 1. They were our allies
- 2. Did not want us to replace them - USSR had little history
of imperialism
- 3. Congo - Africa
- a. extractive
- b. US supported as long as trade relationship did not change
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