Eisenhower and the Cold War

I. 1952 Election (TV played major role)

A. Dem. - Adlai Stevenson and John Sparkman

B. Rep. - Split in party

C. Rep. - Ike and Richard Nixon

II. Ike's Background

III. Foreign Policy - Ike's severe test

A. Sec. of State John Foster Dulles formulated policy

B. Policy

IV. Asia and Eisenhower

A. Korea

B. Southeast Asia (Indochina)

C. China

V. Europe

A. US wanted Europe to pay more for defense - European

B. 1959 - Common Market established

C. Cold War incidents in Europe

VI. Middle East

A. Background

B. Israel

C. Several problems (Arab Nationalism)

VII. Latin America

VIII. Efforts at Detente

A. Background

B. By late 50's - New interest in peace

C. Ike invited Krushchev to Washington

D. U-2 Incident - "Operation Overflight"

E. Summit in Paris was never held


I. Election of 1952

A. Candidates

B. Issues

C. Results

II. New Look - largely rhetoric

A. "More bang for the buck"

B. Massive Retaliation - Brinkmanship

C. Leadership

D. Lack of Leadership

III. Asia

A. Korea

B. Domino Theory - If one falls they all will fall

C. Quemoy and Matsu - 1954/1958

IV. Europe

A. USSR - change of leadership

B. West Germany created 1954

C. Geneva Conference 7/55 - called because of new H-bomb

D. Poland - 1956

E. Hungary - 1956

F. Missile Gap - Sputnik

G. Berlin Threat - 1958

H. Nixon - Khrushchev Kitchen Debate - 7/59

I. U-2 Incident 5/60

J. Ike Farewell Address

V. Middle East

A. Iran - 1953

B. Gamal Abdel Nasser

C. Baghdad Pact/CENTO - 2/55

D. Suez Canal Crisis - 1956

E. Eisenhower Doctrine - 1/57

F. Lebanon - 1958

VI. Loss of the Third World

A. Nixon Latin American Tour - 1958 - Good Neighbor Policy?

B. Too late - Cuba - discuss in the next unit?No add here

C. Guatemala - 1951 - Jacobo Arbenz

D. Former Colonies of France and Great Britain go against us


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