(Mid-1890's to U.S. Entry into WWI)
#1 - 1984
- A number of writers and reformers in the period 1865-1914
discussed the growing gap between wealth and poverty in the United
States. Compare and contrast THREE of the following authors'
explanations for this condition and their proposals for dealing
with it.
- A. Henry George, Progress and Poverty
- B. Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward
- C. Andrew Carnegie, The Gospel of Wealth
- D. William Graham Sumner, What Social Classes Owe to Each
- E. Upton Sinclair, The Jungle
#2 - 1993
- Analyze the ways in which state and federal legislation and
judicial decisions, including those of the Supreme Court, affected
the efforts of any TWO of the following groups to improve their
position in society between 1880 and 1920.
- African Americans
- Farmers
- Workers
#3 - 1979
- "Most reform legislation since 1900 has been the work of
special interests seeking to advance their own well-being, but the
adoption of such legislation has required the general support of
others who were not directly affected but who perceived it to be
in the public interest."
- Assess the validity of this statement with reference to THREE
examples of reform legislation since 1900. You may draw your
examples from reform at any level of government: national, state,
or municipal.
#4 - 1987
- "The Progressive movement of 1901 to 1917 was a triumph of
conservatism rather than a victory for liberalism." Assess the
validity of this statement.
#5 - 1988
- Why did socialism fail to become a major force in American in
American politics between 1900 and 1940 despite widespread
dissatisfaction with the social and economic order and significant
support for radical movements during that period?
#6 - 1989
- DBQ: Booker T. Washington and WEB DuBois offered different
strategies for dealing with the problems of poverty and
discrimination faced by Black Americans at the end of the
nineteenth and beginning of twentieth centuries. Assess the
appropriateness of each of these strategies in the historical
context in which each was developed.
#7 - 1981
- "In American politics the most significant battles have
occurred within the major parties rather than between them."
- Discuss this statement with reference to the periods 1850-1861
and 1900-1912.
#8 - 1983
- "Shifts in party control of the presidency during the 20th c
have typically not brought major shifts in domestic policy."
- Assess the validity of this statement. Illustrate your
argument by discussing the extent to which TWO of the following
Presidents adopted the domestic programs of the previous
presidential administrations given in parenthesis beneath their
- Woodrow Wilson (Administrations of Taft and Roosevelt)
- FDR (Administration of Hoover)
- Eisenhower (Administrations of FDR and Truman)
- Richard M. Nixon (Administrations of JFK and LBJ)
#9 - 1989
- "Vice Presidents who have succeeded to the presidency on the
death of the President have been less effective in their conduct
of domestic AND foreign policy than the men they replaced." Assess
the validity of this statement for any TWO of the following pairs:
- William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt
- Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman
- John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson
#10 - 1997 - DBQ
- To what extent did economic and political developments as well
as assumptions about the nature of women affect the position of
American women during the period 1890 - 1925?
I. Introduction
- A. As 20th century dawned, the U.S. was in the midst of a
reform movement.
- 1. From Civil War to turn of the century, America was
accentuated by a remarkable burst of energy and development
- 2. Rapid development came at a tremendous cost!
- B. "Progressives" attempting to correct the abuses of
the Gilded Age
- (political, economic and social)
- 1. Accepted industrialization and urbanization
- (liked benefits and the higher standard of living
- 2. Sought to correct their evils
- 3. Challenged almost every aspect/level of American society
political, economic, and social!
- 4. Made us more aware of what our government should do for
- 5. What are gov't's obligations
- C. What should our federal government do for us?
- 1. Preamble - "We the people of the United States, in order
to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure
domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote
the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to
ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of Amer."
- a. To create a better balance between state power and
federal power
- b. To improve the court system to insure civil liberties
for all ("establish justice")
- c. To prevent outbreaks of civil disturbances ("insure
domestic tranquility")
- d. To protect the country from foreign dangers ("provide
for the common defense")
- e. To encourage national growth and social progress
("promote the general welfare")
- f. To safeguard the freedom of citizens ("secure the
- 2. Goals
- a. Economic - "economic progress" (competition, standard
of living, bus. expansion, better distribution of wealth,
conservation of natural resources, create jobs)
- b. Social - "social justice" (equality of opportunity
for all, equal protection/due process, better quality of
- c. Political - "balance of power" (among branches, state
and federal, two-party system) and "greater democracy"
- D. We saw in the last unit that laborers began to challenge
the system; however, not many Americans listened to them.
- But when farmers began to protest, more people listened! Why?
II. The Agrarian Revolt (1860 - 80%; today - 2%)
- A. Farmers' Problems (by 1880s, an Agricultural Depression)
- 1. The usual problems - soil erosion, drought, flood,
isolation and loneliness, but by late 1800s, many more!
- 2. Declining income - for example, wheat: in 1865, a bushel
sold for $1.50; in 1880, .76, by 1894, for .49 (deflation)
- a. Foreign competition
- b. Overproduction
- c. Affected by supply and demand
- d. More farmers (as West opened, acreage doubled to
- e. Improved technology and "scientific farming" with
irrigation, crop rotation, pesticides, hybrid crops, etc.
- 3. Increasing costs
- a. Debts (credit, mortgages - sometimes as much as 25%)
- b. Taxes (states raised property taxes to pay expenses)
- c. High charges by "middlemen"; high cost of
manufactured goods
- d. Inadequate currency
- 1) Deflation ($25 per capita)
- 2) Double amount of corn to buy a dollar!
- 3) Is money:
- -medium of coin?
- -medium of exchange? (what it will buy)
- 4) Farmers wanted "cheap money" (prices would rise;
- debts would be "reduced")
- 4. Public attitudes went from viewing farmers as the "basis
of society" to "rubes", "yokels", "hayseeds" (Aggie Jokes)
- 5. The farmers had no "voice" in gov't to represent them!
- What had American workers done to better their position?
- B. Organization (wanted a greater share of the wealth!)
- 1. Patrons of Husbandry (Grange) - Oliver H. Kelley
- (1867, by 1875, over 800,000 members)
- a. Began as a social organization
- b. Cooperatives ("pools" to buy machinery)
- c. Politics (Granger laws)
- 1) Munn v. Illinois (1877) - states
could set rates
- ("public's interest")
- 2) Wabash v. Illinois (1886) - reversed
- 3) Interstate Commerce Act (1887)
- -stopped "long haul" vs. "short haul"
- -power to investigate complaints of excessive
- -no power to establish rates!
- 2. Alliances (mid-1880s)
- a. Two: Northwest Alliance and Southern Alliance
- (began in Texas in 1877)
- b. More radical (militant) and more political
- (to secure rr legislation, currency inflation, others)
- c. Colorful leaders
- 1) "Pitchfork" Ben Tilman
- 2) "Sockless" Jerry Simpson
- 3) Mary Elizabeth Lease
- d. Significant gains in 1890 mid-term elections
- (several progressmen to Washington); saw promise for '92
- e. Began a third party, the Populist Party
- 3. The Populist Party (combined with other
- a. Parallels to rise of Christianity
- (grew out of "conspiracy" against God)
- (farmers and others felt like they were victims of
- b. Believed "apocalypse" was at hand! Doing duty to
"purify" America
- c. Omaha Platform (July 4, 1892)
- 1) several political reforms (secret ballot, direct
election of senators, one-term presidency)
- 2) government ownership of "natural monopolies" (rr,
- 3) income tax
- 4) inflate currency (to $50 per capita) by coining
- 5) labor reforms (8-hour day, immigration
- d. Many regarded this just short of communism!
- e. 1892 Election
- 1) Dem - Grover Cleveland (5m, 277)
- 2) Rep - Benjamin Harrison (5m, 145)
- 3) Pop - James B. Weaver (1m, 22)
- f. Southern Populists refused to bolt the Dem. Party!
III. Toward the 1896 Election
- A. Panic of '93 (one of negative effects of
industrialization was "periodic eco. downturns")
- 1. Causes - overextension of the railroad, high tariffs,
gold drain
- (Am. and Eur. exchanging bank notes for gold; silver
pouring into Treasury; if silver became only standard, money
would be "cheap"; big business and bankers did not want
- 2. Effects - 15,000 businesses failed, 500 banks, 20% of
labor force lost jobs
- (Coxey's Army - wanted govt to provide jobs;
arrested for trespassing!), 750,000 workers struck, some
were very violent (including the Homestead Strike)
- 3. Remedy - Cleveland believed it was caused by monetary
- a. Got Congress to repeal the Sherman Silver Purchase
- 1) People began turning in silver certificates in for
gold; the result a "gold drain"
- 2) Cleveland got J.P. Morgan to buy gold to save the
country (hoped to urge people to use their gold to buy
gov't bonds); he did, at a $7m profit for himself! Were
big business and gov't in "bed together"?
- b. Gov't began selling bonds (Morgan bought at a low
rate, sold high!)
- B. In addition to the depression
- 1. SC ruled that an income tax on the wealthy was
- 2. In US v. Knight ruled that monopolies were not
necessarily bad!
- 3. Upheld conviction of Eugene V. Debs
- 4. Was the gov't and business working together to suppress
the common people?
- 5. By '96, the country's mood was tense!
- C. The Election of 1896
- 1. Issues - "Battle of the Standards" (gold v. silver)
- a. Silver became a symbol of the common man
- ("free silver" would inflate currency)
- 1) American Bimetallic League (Leading spokesman was
- 2) William Harvey - Coin's Financial School (1894)
- 3) Frank Baum - The Land of Oz (1900)
- b. Background
- 1) 1792 - Mint Act (bimetallic system, at 15:1)
- 2) 1834 - Changed to 16:1
- 3) 1873 Congress dropped silver ("Crime of '73")
- 4) Bland-Allison Act (1878) and Sherman Silver
Purchase Act (1890) obligated gov't to buy silver for
purpose of "coinage" (but not enough for many!)
- 5) 1893 - Sherman Silver Purchase Act repealed; split
the Dem. Party into two factions, "gold bugs" and
- (the silver issue would dominate pol. for the next
few yrs)
- 2. Candidates
- a. Rep - William McKinley (pro-gold), ran a
"front-porch" campaign supported by "Old Guard", spent $7
- b. Dem - William Jennings Bryan ("cross of gold" speech;
traveled 18,000 miles by train, made 600 speeches to over 5
million Americans, spent only $300,000
- c. Pop - Bryan also (but, Dems chose Arthur Sewell, a
banker, as VP; Populists chose Tom Watson)
- 3. Results
- a. Bryan - 6.5m, 176 elect.
- b. McKinley - 7.1m, 271 elect. (big business and banks
put pressure on employees and debtors to vote Rep!)
- 4. Significance
- a. Demise of the Populists, but birth of Progressive
- b. "Coming of Age" for "Modern America"
- 5. The silver issue became moot when new methods of mining
- (cyanide) and new discoveries (Alaska) found; in 1900,
Congress passed the Gold Standard Act
- 6. Farmer prosperity returned (good harvests, droughts in
other parts of the world)
IV. The Progressive Movement
- A. Never a unified movement (many wanted many things, many
roads to Progressivism), many who wanted to make America work
- B. Antecedents
- 1. Populists (Populists were rural, poor, uneducated,
radical; Progressives were urban, middle class, willing to work
- the system)
- 2. Reform Darwinism
- 3. Social Gospel
- 4. Pragmatism
- 5. Mugwumps and Goo-Goos
- C. Progressives came from a variety of backgrounds
- ("progressive profile")
- 1. Farmers, laborers, urban middle class, college-educated
- 2. Writers ("muckrakers", who were stronger on
diagnosis than remedy, but who popularized the "exposed" to
wake up the middle class to take action)
- 3. Politicians of both parties, Populists, etc.
- D. Overview
- 1. Believed that material progress achieved at too high a
cost (but they believed that "progress" was basically good, but
wanted "orderly progress" toward a better America)
- 2. Did not want "revolution"; willing to work within the
system to bring about change (grew out of desire to counter
socialist doctrine) for the "betterment of society"
- 3. Believed in "activism" (knew that social ills would not
cure themselves)
- 4. Were enthusiastic ("crusaders"), their goals were both
idealistic and realistic (wanted to save America from itself)
- 5. ESSAY - The political, economic, social
goals/achievements of the Progressive
- Movement
- E. Features of Progressivism - What did the Progressives want?
(economic, social, political)
- 1. Economic Progress
- a. Abandon laissez faire
- 1) Big business choking free competition
- 2) People had little protection against exploitation
- b. Regulated capitalism (some advocated socialism)
- c. Better redistribute the wealth
- (1893 - 9% had 71% of all the national wealth)
- d. Control "special interests" (like protective tariffs)
- 2. Social Justice - "to promote the general welfare"
- (assisted by reformers and muckrakers)
- a. labor reform (children, hours, safety, workers
- b. urban reform (settlement house movement)
- c. prohibition (temperance movement, 18th Am. - 1919)
- d. women's rights
- 1) In the labor force (better pay, more opportun.)
- 2) To end "second class citizenship"
- (to be able to do the things in public that men
- 3) Control of their bodies
- -birth control
- -Margaret Sanger (busted for sending
obscene lit. through the about birth
- 4) Suffrage (began with Susan B. Anthony's
American Suffrage Association in 1869)
- -Jane Addams - "Humanize" politics or "ruin it"?
- -1917 - women picketed the White House (WWI)
- -1920 - 19th Amendment
- e. black rights (conflict between Booker T.
Washington, who wanted "gradualism" and W.E.B.
DuBois, who wanted "immediacy", to agitate for what was
rightfully theirs)
- 1) 1905 - Niagara Movement
- 2) 1910 - N.A.A.C.P. (use courts to reverse
"separate but equal")
- 3) 1911 - Urban League (better conditions in the
- f. Go over the "Reformers and Muckrakers" chart
- 3. Greater Democracy (political power too concentrated, too
much corruption, biggest threat to American life arose from the
corrupt alliance between big business and "pol. machines"); the
"cure", more democracy (Lincoln's definition?)
- a. direct primary (get around "machines" and "bosses"
- b. initiative, referendum, recall (through
- c. voter registration
- d. Australian ballot
- e. direct election of senators (17th Am. - 1913)
- 4. Efficient/Responsible Government (more than just
honesty/representation in gov't, progressives wanted
"structural changes" in all levels of gov't)
- a. reorganization to prevent overlapping, budgets,
fixing responsibility, fight the "political machines"
- b. municipal government
- 1) commission system (Galveston, TX - 1901) -
state put five "experts" in charge of a particular area
(police, sanitation, public works, etc.) to "fix"
responsibility and "get things done" (after crisis, kept
the system); by WWI,
- over 400 cities adopted it
- 2) city manager plan (Stauton, VA - 1908) -
hired a non-political manager to run city affairs; by
WWI, some 250!
- c. state government
- 1) Oregon System (William U'Ren) - brought most dem.
- reforms to the state level
- 2) Wisconsin Idea (Robert LaFollette) added
the idea of
- using "experts" in evaluating legislation and making
government decisions (a whole "reform package")
- d. national government
- 5. Active Government ("activism") - several progressive
mayors, governors, and presidents who emphasized the
public-service functions of government (schools, roads, public
health, etc.)
- a. Only has the "leverage" to bring about needed changes
- b. What are the responsibilities of gov't? (Preamble)
- c. Gov't went to little involvement (laissez faire) to
involvement in most aspects of American life (good or bad?)
- d. Progressive ideals must be incorporated at the very
top levels of government (needed a "progressive president")
- e. In 1901, the Progressives got one!
I. Progressive Profile
A. Progressives - sought to solve the problems of the
industrial age
- 1. most were middle class - sought advancement not radical
change a new white collar middle class had exploded on the scene
between 1870 - 1910
- 2. urban not rural
- 3. intellectuals - writers and other educated professionals
- 4. muckrakers - named by T.R. - writers who wrote
exposes revealing corruption and dishonesty
- a. made the public aware of the need for change
- b. S.S. McClure
- 1. 1902 - McClure's Magazine began publishing
muckraker articles dealing with all kinds of different
- 2. provided impetus for the movement
- 3. paid muckrakers to research and uncover corruption
- 5. focused on business practices that affected their life
- a. monopolies - destroyed small middle class businesses
- b. tariffs - raised middle class prices
- c. quality of products purchased by middle class customers
- 6. represented true American democracy at work
- 7. American moralism, work ethic, and honesty stressed
believed that the individual could
- make a difference - believed in experimentation
- Social Gospel/Urban Revivalism - apply Christian morals to
social problems - Methodist
- 8. they were efficient administrators whose ability kept them
in power
- 9. they made basic structural changes in the way government
and business operate in the US
- 10. Progressives adopted ideas of Populists
- 11. gained support from farmers and factory workers
B. Goals - Different theories focus on different goals as the
most important
- 1. pol - democracy - government controlled by the people not
special interest groups
- 2. econ - efficiency - correct abuses in the system by
industry and government
- 3. econ - regulation - restore opportunity to business
- 4. social justice - prevent unrest which could disrupt middle
class lives
- 5. active government - necessary to protect middle class
II. Reformers and Muckrakers
Urban reformers
- a. Jane Addams (1860-1935)
- 1. Accomplishment - Hull House 1889 - Chicago
settlement house
- 2. addressed problems of the slums
- 3. day care, kindergarten, public parks, boy's clubs, child
labor, sweatshops, garbage, public health, housing, education,
services to the poor
- 4. Noble Peace Prize - 1931
- 5. Social Gospel
- b. Florence Kelly (1859-1932)
- 1. worked with Jane Addams
- 2. focused on labor conditions in the cities
- 3. state labor law enforcer
- 4. Accomplishments - 8 hr. work day - women
- Child Labor laws
- housing code
- c. Jacob Riis (1849-1914)
- 1. How the Other Half Lives - 1900
- 2. used photography of slums in NYC to show terrible living
- 3. influenced TR - called 1st muckraker
- 4. theory - poverty is a major cause of crime
- 5. water purification, parks, playgrounds, boys clubs
Temperance Movement
- a. Francis Willard - Women's Christian Temperance Union
- 1873
- b. Carrie Nation - Anti-Saloon League - 1893
- c. excessive drinking caused many social problems
- 1. breakup of family
- 2. unemployment
- 3. poverty
- d. 18th amendment - 1919 - Prohibition
- e. Volstead Act - enforced prohibition on a national level
- f. Discuss Victorian Morality
Black Civil Rights
- a. Booker T. Washington (1856-1915)
- 1. Founded Tuskegee Institute
- 2. Stressed vocational education for blacks (especially
- 3. Stressed earning respect - patience
- 4. Stressed ignoring segregation - changes would come when
- b. Ray Stannard Baker - muckraker
- 1. Following the Color Line
- 2. focused on making whites aware of the problems blacks
faced living in a segregated America
- 3. Accomplishment - built white support for ending
segregation through NAACP
- c. W.E.B. DuBois (1868-1963)
- 1. The Soul of Black Folks
- 2. 1st black to graduate from Harvard (phD)
- 3. opposed Washington's approach as too passive
- 4. argued for a black college educated elite to fight
segregation through the system
- 5. stressed black pride
- 6. Accomplishment - founded NAACP (1909) - 1st ct.
victory - 1915
- d. 1911 - National Urban League founded to address
economic issues for blacks because the NAACP tended to ignore this
issue. Tried to help blacks find homes, jobs, and job training.
Women's Rights
- a. Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906)
- 1. helped led the movement to gain women the right to vote
for 40 years along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton
- 2. Seneca Falls Declaration - 1848
- 3. Founded National Woman Suffrage Association - 1869
- 4. women could vote in 4 western states by the time she
stepped down
- 5. Accomplishment - 19th Amendment - 1920
- b. Carrie Chapman Catt (1859-1947)
- 1. 1900 - became leader of National American Women's
Suffrage Association replacing Anthony
- 2. Was successful in completing Anthony's goal of obtaining
the 19th Amendment
- 3. Founded League of Women Voters to make sure that women
voted intelligently
- c. Alice Paul (1885-1977)
- 1. 1913 - created Women's Party
- 2. criticism of Wilson actually slowed the 19th amendment
- 3. continued to fight for women's rights after passage of
19th amendment
- 4. 1923 - proposed an Equal Rights Amendment
- 5. still around for the revival of the women's movement in
the 1960s
Business Reform
- a. Upton Sinclair (1878-1968)
- 1. The Jungle - 1906
- 2. most famous muckraker
- 3. description of Chicago meatpacking industry
- 4. Accomplishment - Pure Food and Drug Acts - 1906 Meat
Inspection Act - 1906
- b. John Spargo
- 1. The Bitter Cry of the Children
- 2. exposed horrible conditions of child labor
- 3. accomplishment - Keating-Owen Child Labor Laws
- c. Ida Tarbell (1857-1944)
- 1. The History of Standard Oil Company -
- 2. exposed business practices of John D. Rockefeller and
Standard Oil
- 3. Accomplishments
- Clayton Anti-Trust Act
- Federal Trade Commission
Political Reform
- a. Eugene V. Debs (1855-1926) - Socialism
- 1. proposed eliminating capitalism and replacing it with
socialism government ownership of some of the major businesses
in America
- 2. 5 time socialist candidate for President
- 3. Led Pullman Strike
- 4. Many of his ideas were used by more mainstream
- b. Robert LaFollette - State government
- 1. elected governor - Wisconsin - 1900
- Wisconsin Idea - university professors used as
experts to help run the government
- Brain Trust
- 3. Also used initiative, referendum, and recall (by 1918 -
20 states)
- initiative - legislation initiated by petition
and voted on by the voters rather than the legislative
- referendum - action taken by the legislature
requiring approval by the voters
- recall - power to petition the removal of
officials who do not represent the wishes of the voters
- 4. Used Direct Primary, limited campaign spending (Every
state by 1915)
- 5. fought to regulate rr, public utilities, corporations
- 6. State income tax passed
- 7. Workmen's Comp and factory safety standards passed also
- c. David Graham Phillips (1867-1911) - national
- 1. The Treason of the Senate - 1906
- 2. Senate depicted as a millionaire's club representing
banks and corporations
- instead of the people
- 3. Accomplishment - 17th amendment - Direct Election
of Senators - 1913
- d. Lincoln Steffens - local government
- The Shame of the Cities - 1904
- focused on corruption, bribery, and theft in local
political machines and bosses
- Accomplishments
- Commission System - 1900 - Galveston (400 by
- non-partisan elections
- each chosen based on expertise and put in charge of a
particular department
- hurricane had destroyed 1/6 population 1/3 property
- Steffens spread the use of this system to middle size
cities it did not work well in large ones
- City Manager System - 1908 - Staunton, Va. (45 by
- 1. Board or (elected) City Council hired a
- 2. Managers job was to solve the city's problems
rather than the mayor
- City ownership of utilities - Tom Johnson -
Cleveland - increased vigilance over corporate - political
V. The Progressive Presidents
A. Theodore Roosevelt
- 1. 1900 Election (McKinley vs. Bryan); McKinley chose TR as
Vice President (Old Guard "kicked" him upstairs to the then
deadened job of VP)
- 2. Leon Czolgosz assassinated McKinley
- 3. Roosevelt's Background
- a. At 42, youngest ever to serve as President
- b. From a wealthy family (but despised their "conspicuous
- c. Educated at Harvard, Columbia law school
- d. After his wife died (his mother died on the same day),
he went to the West, a ranch in the Dakota Territory
- e. War hero (Spanish-American War)
- f. Author (Winning of the West, about Daniel Boone and the
- g. Served as state leg. and gov. of NY (worked with
- h. As President, stood for "Square Deal"
- 1) A "character"
- 2) Mark Twain called him the "Tom Sawyer of Politics"
- a. Pres. should be a strong, active leader; do anything not
prohibited by the Constitution (politics could be made honest
only by strong, responsible leadership)
- b. Warned Wall Street to yield to popular demand or be
dragged down by revolution!
- c. A "cautious" progressive ("lunatic fringe"), but he
changed with the times; by 1908, he was turning "left"
(supported an income tax, inheritance tax, lots of gov't
regulation); the "Old Guard" viewed him as dangerous!
- d. Most of the progressive measures enacted during his
admin. had "loopholes", big on "gentlemen's agreements (but
usually happy with what he got)
1. "Square Deal"
a. Business Regulation
- 1) Developed a reputation as a "trust buster" (won
25 of 44 cases)
- 2) Asked Congress for stronger laws; Congress refused; TR
looked for a "test case"
- 3) 1902 - Northern Securities Case (a holding
company formed by J.P. Morgan/Edward Harriman, Union Pacific by
John D. Rockefeller/James J. Hill, Great Northern after a
bidding war over control of a connecting line nearly collapsed
the Stock Market). In 1904, the SC ordered it to dissolve!
- -Some of the nation's most powerful held accountable!
- -However, no major players ever really hurt!
- 4) 1903 - Department of Commerce and Labor (with a Bureau
of Corporations that could investigate bus. practices)
- 5) 1905 - Swift vs. US ("stream of commerce") -
corporations must be held accountable
- 6) Railroads (TR wanted to put "teeth" into rr legislation,
especially help the farmers who were at the mercy of the rr
- -1903 - Elkins Act - made rebates illegal
- -1906 - Hepburn Act - gave ICC power to
inspect books, fix max. rates, disallowed free passes to
legislators, put burden of proof of business instead of
- 7) At end of admin., viewed trusts as neither good nor bad,
depended on what they did; there were "good trusts" and "bad
- 8) Supreme Court - "rule of reason" - "bust" bad
trusts, leave good ones alone
b. Labor Relations
- 1) 1902 Coal Strike
- -UMW (John Mitchell) led 140,000 out on strike for 20% pay
raise, 8-hr. day, recognition
- -Owners refused! (George Baer - spokesman)
- -TR called both sides, he would "arbitrate" (workers
agreed, owners did not); threatened to take over the mines!
- -Settled in March 1903 (9-hr. day, 10% raise, no union
- -However, coal companies were encouraged to raise prices to
offset costs of raises!
- 2) First time federal gov't did not intervene on the side of
management; treated both as "equals"!
- c. Public Health - work done by Dr. Harvey Wiley, the Dept. of
Agriculture's chief chemist alerted many to the adulterants and
additives put in food and drugs ("poison squad"), others exposed
conditions in the food and drug industry (Edward Bok, Upton
Sinclair's The Jungle)
- 1) 1906 - Meat Inspection Act - gov't got power to
inspect meat packing plants (at gov't cost)
- 2) 1906 - Pure Food and Drug Act - banned harmful
substances in foods and drugs (many narcotics...and worse!) (in
1927 the Food and Drug Admin. was created), required labeling
of contents
- 3) Significance - govt's responsibility to protect the
public's health and safety!
- d. Conservation (TR believed this his greatest
- 1) Having lived in the West, TR knew results of
- 2) Withdrew over 150 million acres from the "public domain"
(into nat'l parks, wildlife sanctuaries, etc.)
- 3) Refused to allow big business to exploit oil reserves
- 4) 1902 - National Reclamation Act - Money from sale of
public land used to pay for irrigation projects
- ($80m by WWI)
- 5) 1908 - called first ever governor's conference (to get
states in on the solution) to discuss a national problem:
conservation (only 3, one in 30s on the Depression, on in '89
on education)
- 6) Created a Conservation Commission to study our dwindling
resources (most states did likewise)
- e. Decided not to run in 1908 (had won in 1904 against Alton
Parker, 7.6m to 5m, 336 to 140); was becoming very "radical" in
his progressive views
- f. Legacy?
- 1) Enlarged the role of the President
- 2) Champion of the idea that the public must be protected from
abuses by "special interests"
- 3) Established a progressive trend for future presidents
B. William Howard Taft ("Big Bill" Taft - 326 lbs.)
- 1. 1908 Election (vs. William Jennings Bryan)
- 2. Background
- a. Educated at Yale
- b. Served as a judge (would later be Chief Justice)
- c. Governor of the Philippines
- d. Only elective office ever
- e. Not dedicated enough to the progressive cause (ran for
his wife; then she fell seriously ill after inauguration)
- f. Caught between the Progressives and the Old Guard
- g. "Overshadowed" by Roosevelt (what would TR have done?)
- 3. Continuing Progressivism
- a. 90 antitrust suits (TR, only 44)
- b. Added lands to national forests (w/d more land than TR)
- c. Mann-Elkins Act (1910) - brought telegraph,
telephone, the wireless, and cable under ICC
- d. Labor reform - 8-hr. day for workers contracting with
federal government
- e. Publicity Act - parties must make public sources and
amounts spent on elections
- f. 16th Amendment (he strongly favored it) - 1913; as was
the 17th Amendment
4. Upsetting the Progressives
- a. Conservation
- 1) Ballinger (Sec of Interior) - Pinchot
(Chief Forester, Forest Service created in 1905 by TR)
- 2) Ballinger was selling land to private companies for
development purposes! Pinchot went to Taft to get him to stop
- 3) Taft fired Pinchot, who went public on what Ballinger
was doing (turning over coal reserves and water power sites to
private interests)
- 4) Pinchot went to Europe to tell TR
- b. Tariff Reform
- 1) Had promised to revise it downward
- 2) Payne (House, low) - Aldrich Tariff
(Senate, high) of 1909, it actually raised duties on most
common items (Taft signed it, called it the best tariff ever);
overall, tariff still at about 40%!
- 3) Taft did not want to challenge the "Conservatives", the
"Old Guard" in Congress
- c. House Revolt
- 1) Speaker Joseph Cannon, who ran the House with an
iron fist (appointed committees, made rules, established
- 2) "Insurgent" Revolt
- 3) Taft indicated he supported Cannon ("cottoning" to the
Old Guard conservatives)
- 4) The "insurgents" won, but not with Taft's support!
- 5. 1912 Election (first to use presidential primaries) -the
highwater mark for progressivism!
- a. Rep - Taft
- b. Progressive ("Bull Moose") - TR ("New Nationalism" -
fed gov't would be the leader of reform, more regulation of
business, more democracy)
- c. Dem - Woodrow Wilson ("New Freedom" - equality for
all, bring back competition; fed. gov't would be "umpire")
- d. Results
- 1) Taft - 8
- 2) TR - 88
- 3) Wilson - 435
- 4) Socialist - Eugene Debs got nearly 1m votes (but
no electoral votes)
- e. So, what did the public think about Progressivism?
C. Woodrow Wilson
1. Background
- a. Father a Presbyterian minister (morality)
- b. Educated and taught at Princeton (and served as its
- c. Taught history and political science
- d. Governor of New Jersey
- e. Views
- 1) Like TR, believed Pres. should be a strong leader
- 2) Cautious as a progressive (did not endorse black or
womens' rights), but some of most permanent laws enacted during
his presidency
- 3) Called for a "New Freedom" (equality, bring back
competition, strong bus. regulation)
2. Progressive Reforms
- a. Conservation - National Park Service Act, created
the National Park Service to oversee/operate the 25m acres of
national parks in the U.S.
- b. Tariff
- 1) Called special session of Congress, personally addressed
- 2) Underwood Act (1913) - lowered tariff to 30%
- 3) Lost revenue would be made up from the income tax
(16th Amendment - 1% over $3000; 6% over 1/2m, 7%
- c. Antitrust Legislation (Wilson campaigned to break the
nation's trusts)
- 1) Clayton Antitrust Act (1914) passed to plug the
"loop-holes" in the Sherman Antitrust Act (clearly defined
unfair practices, etc.)
- a) Added holding companies and interlocking directorates
to Sherman Act; prohibited price discrimination
- b) Exempted labor
- c) Curtailed use of injunction in labor disputes
- 2) Federal Trade Commission Act (1914) - set up a
Federal Trade Commission to:
- a) Investigate corrupt practices (interstate corps.)
- b) Issue "cease and desist" orders in using unfair
practices (misleading advertising, eliminating competition,
etc.) (in 1921, SC ruled that only courts could do this!)
- c) FTC could define "unfair practices"
- d. Banking
- 1) Depressions are the "downside" of capitalism (supply and
demand hard to regulate)
- 2) A Depression in 1907 had led to the creation of the
Aldrich Commission to study the nation's banking; it reported
that it needed overhauling because there was no "central money
supply" to fight depressions
- 3) Needed to get money moving (from region to region), make
it easier to get credit during downturns ("fluidity")
- 4) Pujo Commission - money is a "trust" (concentration of
- 5) Progressives wanted gov't to control banks,
conservatives wanted private ownership
- 6) Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (a compromise) -
created a true national banking system (three-level)
- a) Created a Federal Reserve System, a "banker's bank";
the "Fed"
- b) 12 regional banks
- c) Member state banks - 6% of their capital
- d) Issued federal reserve notes (40% gold- backing, rest
in commercial paper) led to "inflated currency", the volume
of currency no longer at the mercy of the supply of gold!
- e) Federal Reserve Board - in charge of controlling the
money supply by raising or lowering interest rates to expand
or shrink the amount of money in circulation ("flexibility")
- f) It really didn't destroy trusts, but it did give
greater flexibility to banking
- e. Other
- 1) Farmers
- a) Smith Lever Act (1914) - aid to rural schools to help
them maintain high educational levels
- b) Federal Farm Loan Act (1916) - workers compensation
- 2) Labor
- a) Adamson Act (1916) - time and one-half (began for rr
workers engaged in interstate commerce)
- b) Kern-McGillicuddy Act (1916) - workers compensation
- c) Keating-Owen Act (1916) - prohibited
interstate transportation of goods made by children (keep
kids under 14 out of the labor force)
VI. End of Progressivism
- A. U.S. Entry into World War I
- B. What were the Progressives' goals?
- C. What did the Progressives achieve? Many positive
- 1. Political? (Many Democratic reforms)
- 2. Economic? (Forced Big Business to be cautious)
- 3. Social? (More provision for the "general welfare")
- D. Specifics
- 1. Responsible government and forceful leadership
- 2. Gov't has a responsibility for all of its citizens
(promote the general welfare)
- 3. Precedent for later reforms
- Goals/Achievements
- Political
- -greater democracy
- -active gov't
- -efficient gov't
- -abandon laissez-faire
- -responsible gov't (Preamble)
- -structural changes
- Economic
- -curb abusive business practices (monopolies)
- -distribution of wealth
- -better circulation of money (banking)
- -lower tariff
- -labor reform
- Social
- -equality of opportunity (women, blacks, immigrants)
- -public health
- -conservation
- -better quality of life (prohibition, urban)
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