IDs For Midterm
Topic 1: Industrialization and the Gilded Age
Bessemer Process
factory system
Pacific Railway Act
Promontory Point, Utah
14th Amendment
Andrew Carnegie
Vertical Integration
Horizontal Integration
John D. Rockefeller
The Gilded Age
J.P. Morgan
Machine Politics
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Interstate Commerce Act
Herbert Spencer
Social Darwinism
Gospel of Wealth
Reform Darwinism
Settlement House Movement
Topic 2: The Wild, Wild West
Indian Removal Act
Trail of Tears
Fort Laramie Council
Sandy Creek Massacre
Concentration Policy
1st Sioux War
Reservation Policy
Extermination Policy
Fetterman Massacre
2nd Sioux War
Arizona Apache Wars
General George Crook
Flight of the Nez Perce
Chief Joseph
Little Big Horn
Wounded Knee Massacre
Ghost Dance Religion
The Dawes Act
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Closing of the Frontier
The Buffalo
Buffalo Bill Cody
Topic 3: Crisis of the 90's, the Labor Movement, Populism, and the Spanish American War
Molly Maquires
Knights of Labor
National Labor Union
American Federation of Labor
Samuel Gompers
Pinkerton Men
Haymarket Riot
Homestead Strike
Pullman Strike
Eugene Debs
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Panic of 1893
Farmers Alliance
Ocala Platform
Omaha Platform
Crime of 1873
Free Silver
William Jennings Bryan
Yellow Journalism
Spanish American War
USS Maine
Anti Imperialism
Motives for US Expansion
Monroe Doctrine
Open Door Notes
Topic 4: Progressivism
Municipal Reform
Wisconsin Plan
Panama Canal
Philippe-Buneau Varilla
Roosevelt Corollary
Theodore Roosevelt
Honest Broker
Regulation of Business
Conservation vs. Preservation
Gifford Pinchot
John Muir
William Howard Taft
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
Ballinger-Pinchot Affair
Old Guard
Bull Moose
New Freedom/New Nationalism
Underwood Tariff
16th Amendment
Federal Reserve Act
Federal Trade Commission
Wilsonian Idealism