I. The rise of the modern corporation in the US post
Civil War period was one of the most important developments of the 19th
A. The Industrial Revolution,
which gave rise to the emergence of large-scale enterprise, was among the
most significant causes of the Civil War itself, and the subsequent rise of
the modern corporation after the war would dominate American politics until
World War I. It has remained a potent issue up to and including the present
1. Beginning as early as the
1820s, Americans in the North began to visualize the development of the US
into a modern, industrial nation. This accelerated dramatically as
technological developments—the cotton gin, the steam engine, railroads, and
textile equipment—came to be commonplace. Along with these new technologies,
the factory system—in which goods were mass produced at a single
location—replaced the older system of small-scale production in homes,
blacksmith shops, et cetera.
2. With the acquisition
Texas, the South West, Oregon and California, the US had become a
continental nation—and the vision of a dynamic industrial republic replaced
the older Jeffersonian vision of the US as a pastoral agrarian republic. In
the new vision of America’s future, slavery would not have a place. Slavery
was not only morally repugnant—worse, it was economically inefficient. The
dominant view of the Civil War among today’s leading historians is that it
was more about modernization than slavery. The South, a pre-modern society
in which life was dominated by growing seasons and the weather, had no place
in a world where factories operated regardless of time of year or day.
a. The new
acquisitions were linked by the 1850s by the telegraph, but transportation
remained a huge problem.
3. Interestingly, it was in
the midst of the Civil War, with the South absent from US national
government that a host of far-reaching decisions were made that would
facilitate the corporate revolution in American business.
a. Perhaps the most
far-reaching was language included in the 14th Amendment to the
US Constitution in which corporations were to be designated as “legal
person” under US law.
i. The corporation was an
American version of the old English organization known as a joint stock
company. It was a business organization formed by a group of people who are
given permission by the state government to sell stock in the company to the
ii. This money is then used
to run the company while the stockholders are paid a portion of the profits
- called dividends.
iii. The corporation as a
form of business organization quickly came to replace old ways of organizing
business ( Proprietorship and Partnership) because these forms had severe
limitations—the inability to raise large sums of money, the risk of losing
everything if things went wrong, and the disruption of business upon death
of the owner or a major partner.
iv. Corporations had three
main advantages: they made it easy to raise large amounts of money by
selling stock allowing for the creation of very large companies that could
achieve significant for economies of scale (the more units of a product a
company makes the less it costs to make each unit); they offered limited
liability to investors, since neither the stockholders' assets nor the
personal assets of corporate leaders could not be seized to satisfy claims
against the corporation; and they had perpetual life--the corporation does
not come to an end with the death of an owner, the stock is inherited.
Moreover, an investor may withdraw from the corporation by selling his
shares (transferability).
b. A second major decision
taken during the Civil War was the decision to build a trans-continental
railroad along a northern route in the Pacific Railway Act of 1862.
i. The US had
around 30,000 miles of railroad track in 1860, but it was not a unified
system—there were hundreds of small railroads and they used a variety of
equipment standards.
ii. Offering huge
land grants to companies that would invest in building a transcontinental
route to California, Congress chartered the Union Pacific Railroad in 1862
and the Northern Pacific in 1864. The first transcontinental route was
finished at Promontory Point, Utah, in 1869.
iii. From 1862 to
1910, the main railroad trackage in the US increased from 30,000 miles to
240,000 miles. Equally important, by 1886, every railroad in the country had
adopted the same equipment standards and the country became a truly unified
B. The development of the
railroads was the driving force behind both the emergence of the modern
corporation and the industrialization of the United States in the 50 years
following the Civil War.
1. Railroads required a
large organization that was spread out along its route. The size and
geographic requirements made the idea of a proprietorship or partnership
almost impossible.
2. Railroads fueled
industrialization in several ways—first, of course, was the demand railroad
construction created for steel and energy sources.
a. The steel industry, in
its infancy before the railroad construction boom, became a massive industry
in its own right and led to one of the earliest great fortunes in
America—that of Andrew Carnegie, whose organizational skills and corporate
ruthlessness allowed him to gain control over most of the industry through
both horizontal and vertical integration.
b. Railroads, once
constructed, offered a fast, easy, and cheap way to transport large
quantities of goods—this helped develop the US into a vast consumer market
for manufactured goods and also helped to develop manufacturing of all kinds
as well—raw materials could be shipped from the west to factories in the
C. In addition to the railroads and steel,
Oil came to be a giant industry in the decades following the Civil War.
1. Oil was considered a problem
until it was discovered that it could be used to create energy in 1859. The
industry quickly developed after that, and was consolidated by John D.
Rockefeller using the methods of horizontal and vertical integration
pioneered by Carnegie and others.
D. The consolidation of production in
industry after industry in the US in what is called “The Gilded Age”
resulted in an economy that was huge, but very unfair and distorted. Workers
had few rights and farmers, the traditional backbone of the economy, were
marginalized. The rise of big business in the US after the Civil War would
change the country dramatically and dominated not only economic development,
but social and political development as well. In fact, much of American
politics between 1866 and 1920 can be understood as an ongoing effort to
figure out how to preserve the freedom of individuals and the free
enterprise system in the face of the emergence of these large corporations
and the powers they were able to wield.