I. As mentioned at the end of the last lecture, the
early years following WWI were tumultuous and chaotic.
A. Labor, which had
sacrificed a great deal for the war effort, began demanding a bigger piece
of the economic pie, which had expanded greatly as the US supplied first its
allies, then all of Europe with goods and
1. There were numerous
strikes and a great deal of labor violence, especially in cases where labor
unions were influenced by radical ideologies.
2. The
International Workers of the World (IWW), also known as “the Wobblies” was
an anarchist labor union which had succeeded in organizing many farm workers
and lumber industry workers. Their ideas frightened ordinary Americans and
the US government used violent means to stop them.
The “Red Scare” began even before the war ended, but gained momentum quickly
when Lenin and his Bolshevik Party in Moscow
announced the creation of the Communist International (COMINTERN) which had
the express goal of exporting the Communist revolution to other countries
around the world.
1. Americans began seeing
communists everywhere, and the hatred of all things German that had been
nurtured by the government during the war became a hatred (and fear) of all
things communist.)
a. The most famous victims of the Red Scare were two Italian immigrants with
radical political beliefs, Sacco and Vanzetti, who were accused of murder
during a robbery in South Braintree, Massachusetts.
b. During their trial the
judge refused to allow the testimony of several witnesses who might have
provided the two with an alibi, and they were convicted of the crime and
sentenced to death.
c. Appeals continued for
several years, during which time Sacco and Vanzetti became popular as
victims of an unfair trial. They were nevertheless executed in 1927.
With the return on large numbers of soldiers from Europe, it was expected
that jobs would be difficult to get. People demanded and got new, severe
restrictions on immigration. Nativism, the mistrust of foreigners, grew
during this period, and more people left the US between 1920 and 1935 than
D. There
was also a sharp resurgence in anti-black sentiments in the US, in both the
north and the south.
1. In the south, the Ku Klux
Klan (KKK) enjoyed a tremendous surge in popularity, claiming some 4,500,000
members by 1924. They terrorized and killed blacks, Catholics, Jews, and
immigrants. (Luckily, after the economic boom of 1924, membership in the KKK
declined sharply—to only 30,000 in 1930.)
2. In the north, race riots
erupted in virtually every major city as whites and blacks fought over jobs.
II. By 1920, most Americans just
wanted things to get back to normal. While Woodrow Wilson tried in vain to
turn the election of 1920 into a mandate for the treaty of Versailles, the
Republican candidate, William Henry Harding, a virtual unknown, successfully
read the mood of the people and promised a “return to normalcy.” He was
elected in a landslide.
The new Republican version of “normalcy” seemed at first to resemble the
“laissez faire” policies of earlier years.
1. Harding was a president
with little initiative and few ideas. Like the current US president George
Bush, Harding was a “delegator.” In sharp contrast to Wilson, he preferred
to let his subordinates make most of the decisions.
2. In fact, Harding was a
stooge—a tool used and manipulated by the Republican Party bosses.
3. Rather than laissez
faire, what emerged was a government that actively used the powers of the
presidency to support business. Control of virtually all of the regulatory
agencies set up by the Progressives was handed over to the industries they
were intended to regulate.
4. The situation was ripe
for scandal, and rumors of scandal soon began to sweep through Washington.
5. Though it appears that
Harding was unaware of what was happening around him, his subordinates were
engaged in a widespread pattern of fraud and corruption—Congressmen and
Senators were being bribed for vote on legislation favorable to particular
industries, agency heads were skimming money from their departmental budgets
for personal use. Charles Forbes of the Veteran’s Bureau stole $250 million
from his agency, and when threatened with exposure, fled the country.
The most famous scandal is known as Teapot Dome. At the urging of his
Secretary of the Interior, Albert Fall, Harding transferred control of two
pieces of land (one in Teapot Dome, Wyoming) rich in oil reserves to the
Navy Department. The Navy then leased the land to two wealthy businessmen,
who gave Hall a “loan” of $500,000. Hall was eventually convicted of bribery
and spent a year in prison.
7. In summer of 1923, as
Harding was starting to become aware of what was happening, he told a
reporter, “I have no trouble with my enemies…But my friends, my damned
friends…they’re the ones that keep me walking the floor nights.”
8. Harding, before the
scandals became public knowledge, went on a speaking tour in the West in
summer 1923. He fell ill in Seattle with what was diagnosed as food
poisoning. After a partial recovery, he traveled to San Francisco where he
died of a heart attack on August 2. He was replaced by his Vice-President,
Calvin Coolidge.
The ‘return to normalcy’ is often viewed as a return to isolationism
in terms of US foreign policy. However, while the US had rejected the Treaty
of Versailles and was not broadly engaged in the world on the political
front, it did undertake some token political initiatives and was very active
during this period on the commercial front.
1. The US, after rejecting
the Versailles Treaty, negotiated a separate peace with all of the Central
Powers. It also tried to set up several institutions designed to prevent
future wars. The initiatives, while laudable, proved pointless.
a. Best known among these was the
Washington Naval Conference of 1921. In it, the leading powers negotiated
limits on the construction of ships by the main naval powers. The problem
was that this was largely a “gentlemen’s” agreement—there was no way to
enforce the limits, especially as long as the US remained outside the League
of Nations.
2. Aside from this and a
couple of other related political initiatives, US foreign policy became
largely a vehicle for the promotion of US business internationally.
The Dawes Plan was designed to stabilize the European economy by
loaning huge amounts of money to Germany. It might have helped, but the
Republican Congress implemented a huge hike in tariffs in 1922, making it
impossible for the Europeans to sell their products in the US.
b. The combination did
little to help Europe and in the end, paved the way for a major increase in
the presence of US corporations and banks in Europe.
C. On the domestic front, the
“return to normalcy” proved equally impossible. American society in the
1920’s went through some of the most rapid and profound changes in its
1. First, as mentioned
above, the anticipated post-war recession did not occur at first… but it hit
finally in 1921.
2. When recovery began to
take place in 1924, it was remarkable. US manufacturing output rose by 60%,
inflation was almost non-existent as was unemployment. American’s purchasing
power rose rapidly and consumer spending skyrocketed. It was the beginning
of the consumer-based economy of today. In this period of great prosperity
there were only a few losers—labor, farmers, and blacks.
D. But the 20’s is best known
for its social developments, which took the country in many contradictory
directions simultaneously—which is why it is known as the Roaring 20s.
1. “Consumerism” was the most obvious sign of the
a. The enthusiasm with which
Americans embraced the automobile was astounding— up to 1920, the automobile
was a relative rarity, but by 1930 there were 30 million cars on the
roads—one for each family.
b. With
new wealth, Americans bought for pleasure, rather than necessity--washing
machines, refrigerators, and vacuum cleaners were popular.
Consumerism was made possible not only by a booming economy, but by also by
the development of the advertising industry and a national communication
network—radio. At the same time, the number of daily newspapers was
shrinking rapidly—600 newspapers died between 1914 and 1926. It was not that
fewer people were reading the papers—in fact, more people were reading fewer
3. These developments
contributed to the development of a national culture based on materialism.
Sporting events were elevated from local affairs to national obsessions,
fashions and fads could be spread instantly.
4. That culture was not only
materialistic, but also, increasingly rebellious against traditional
American values. Much of this was the result of Americans’ response to the
conservative/progressive reform of Prohibition.
a. Prohibition was a moral
issue and to a lesser extent a political one. The problem with it was that
the attempt to ban liquor was doomed from the start. There were simply too
many places people could make liquor and too many borders to guard. The
government was unwilling to pay for the huge numbers of extra police that
would have been required.
b. After the passage of
prohibition, more people drank than before—drinking had become fashionable
protest against the restrictive morality of the fundamentalists.
“Speakeasies” developed in every city. Speakeasies were places that people
gathered to drink illegal booze. They became very popular as places to
reject the conservative values and led to the emergence of a significant
counter-culture. There were some 50,000 Speakeasies in New York City alone.
“Flappers,” women who publicly rejected social restrictions on their dress
and behavior emerged from the Speakeasy scene. Jazz became a popular music
form because of them also.
e. Of course, gangs
organized to transport and sell liquor proliferated and wars between them
created one of the worst outbreaks of crime in history. Gangsters killed
5000—mostly in daylight hours in public places.
f. Prohibition was abandoned
in 1933 with the passage of the 21st amendment to the US
5 In this environment,
American values were changing rapidly. The place of religion in people’s
life began a long, slow decline. Despite this, there was a strong religious
fundamentalist movement that tried its best to prevent the decline of
religious sentiment in American society.
a. Religious fundamentalism had been on the rise since the early teens
and one of its main targets was the increasing (progressive) faith in
science and scientific management of both business and natural resources.
b. Fundamentalists had
passed laws in several states that outlawed the teaching of Darwin’s theory
of evolution in the schools—teachers were forced to teach the story of
creation as told in the Bible as fact.
c. The rise of the scientific mentality caused more and more people to want
to challenge these restrictions. This resulted in one of the most famous
trials of the 1920s: the Scopes Monkey Trial.
In Tennessee, the legislature passed a law forbidding the teaching of
any theory that denied the story of creation as told in the bible.
A teacher named John Scopes violated the law and was arrested.
The ACLU sent the famous lawyer, Clarence Darrow to defend him while
the conservatives were represented by William Jennings Bryan.
The trial, the “Monkey Trial” was a media circus that forced
conservatives to defend their literal interpretation of the bible.
vi. Scopes was found
guilty, but conservatives were embarrassed.
6. There were also significant numbers of other spiritual, but
non-religious, people who were disenchanted by the crass materialism of the
new America. WWI had been fought for noble goals—but with the defeat of the
Treaty of Versailles a just peace had not been won. Instead, what had been
won was purely material wealth while the democratic spirit that had inspired
the war effort was buried beneath an avalanche of materialism. Ernest
Hemingway, Charlie Chaplin, HL Mencken, Sinclair Lewis, F. Scott
Fitzgerald—known as “The Lost Generation--” abandoned the US and moved to
Paris, which became a center of American art during some of its most
productive years in history.
E. It
is possible to understand the 20s as, fundamentally, the triumph of escapism
over concern. People felt that since Progressivism had failed to cure the
social ills of America, and since victory in World War I and Wilson had
failed to create a just international peace, they should just forget about
these problems and focus on enjoying themselves—“Don’t worry, be happy,”
would be an appropriate slogan for this period. This escapism, and this
“don’t worry, be happy” attitude, would lull many Americans into a false
sense of infallibility. The investment craze of the mid-1920s and resultant
stock-market crash would be harshly sobering to an American public
intoxicated by the good-times the escapism of the 1920’s had brought. |