2004학년도 2학기 강의계획서

1. 교과목 안내






월 수


[Thomas Jacobsen]






  미국학과 2년


Wed 5:00-6:00; Fri 3:00- 5:00



Outline 0f Course: This class will look at the history of the United States from the Civil War to the Present. It will characterize the predominant interpretations of this period in American history. It will look at the main political, economic, socio-cultural events, movements, developments, and people that shaped the United States into a superpower. It will provide students with the tools necessary to develop rational analyses of particular historical episodes and events.


Goals of the Course: The goals of this course are to provide students with: 1) a working knowledge of the basic history of the United States, 2) the analytical tools necessary to understand and develop sophisticated analyses of particular events, developments, movements, and people in US history, and 3) the opportunity to conduct research and write about a person, event, development or movement in detail.

4.수강에 필요한 사항

Requirements for the Course: Students will be held responsible for materials presented in lecture, videotape presentations, and online sources. These materials constitute different and unique sources of informationthe lecture will not be a recapitulation of the textbook, but rather, will offer different data and different interpretations. Students will be required to take several multiple-choice or short answer quizzes and do several homework assignments.

5.과목의 활용

Practical uses of this Course: The United States is the only remaining superpower. Its position in the world economy and world politics is undisputed. In many countries around the world, understanding the behavior of the United Statesits government, its industries, and its peopleis a critical for the creation or maintenance of prosperity. This understanding can only come from a study of the history of how and why the United States became the nation that it is today.

6.수업 진행방법

Class rules: Students should turn off their PCS/Cell phones before entering the class. Though this is a lecture class, the professor encourages Western-style interactivity in the classroom. Students are encouraged to ask for clarification of points, ask questions, and even offer alternative views. Students should not sleep in class, read newspapers, or talk among themselves except during designated discussion periods. Students must submit homework on time and must read the appropriate sections of the text before class.

7.학습 평가방법

Evaluation and Grades: Student grades will be based on performance on quizzes, midterm exam, final exam, and homework. Quizzes will consist mainly of multiple-choice questions designed to review the main points of the lecture, text, or video tape. The Midterm and Final Exams will include some multiple choice, identification, and short essay questions. The homework will consist of several writing exercises designed to prepare students for the exam. Grade Distribution: Attendance 20%; Quizzes: 20%; Midterm Exam: 30%; Final Exam: 30%.

8.교재 및 참고도서

Required Text(s):The primary text for this course will be an online outline, United States History by John Pegues, available on the course website at https://tomjacobsen.tripod.com/. Other texts are also available at this site for students who desire to learn from a variety of perspectives. Students are encouraged to purchase Kenneth C. Davis Dont Know Much About History (Avon Books, 1995) or to borrow a more traditional textbook, America in the Twentieth Century (Frank Friedel and Alan Brinkley, Knopf, 1982) from the professor for photocopying. Students may be asked to watch several videos and either take short quizzes on them videos or write brief reports about them.

9.주별진도 계획 (Schedule)


NOTE: This lecture schedule is subject to change.

Introduction and Overview,  The American Century/The Civil War And Reconstruction


Industrialization: Capital and Labor


The American West/Populism


The Gilded Age






World War I


The 20s


Crash and Depression


World War II


The Cold War


Civil Rights


The 1960s/Vietnam


Nixon and the Non-Aligned Movement


Reagan: The Second Triumph of Conservatism


Final Exam